Wanda Lust

Wanda Lust

Travel Writer

Wanda Lust’s journey into travel writing began on a scooter delivering pizzas, discovering her town’s best-kept secrets and hidden gems. Now a world-renowned travel writer, her bestselling book, “Wandering with Wanda,” shares her humorous escapades and missteps from her global gallivants, guiding eager explorers to embrace the beauty of wandering.

Hot Tip: Always carry a portable phone charger or extra camera batteries. You never know when the perfect photo opportunity will arise, and there’s nothing worse than a dead battery just as you encounter a breathtaking sunset or a charming hidden alleyway. Stay charged and never miss a moment to capture your memories.


Unplanned and spontaneous adventures

Photography of scenic and lesser-known landscapes

Riding scooters through new cities

Meeting fellow wanderlust-filled travelers


Rigid and rushed travel schedules

Uncharged camera batteries

Missed opportunities for sunset or sunrise views

Forgetting to pack essential items