Paige Turner

Paige Turner

Travel Advice

Paige Turner, once a humble librarian, found herself yearning for adventures beyond the bookshelves. Embarking on a global odyssey, she’s turned every page of the world’s vast narrative. Today, she’s the proud author of “Beyond the Books: Epic Tales from Abroad, “regaling readers with hilarious anecdotes and practical travel advice, ensuring her adventures leap off the page and into the hearts of her readers.

Hot Tip: In every new destination, seek out a local bookstore or library. It’s a calm, comforting space to relax, and a uniqueway to learn about the local culture, history, and literature. Many bookshops host events, providing an opportunity to meet locals and fellow travelers who share a love for books.


Exploring ancient libraries around the world

Finding hidden gems in old bookshops

Writing travel journals with a classic quill pen

The sound of train wheels clacking on the tracks


Cramped, noisy accommodations

Misplaced or forgotten bookmarks

Running out of reading material on a trip

Travel itineraries with no free time for exploration